среда, 23 ноября 2016 г.

Masters in Psychology sample admission essay

This essay is based on actual biographical information sent by a reader of this blog.  If you’d like a free sample essay and outline, please check out our free essay post and send your information today.  
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Masters in Psychology Sample Admission Essay Outline

I. Background
a.  Growing up in church community
b.  Learning values
c.  Joining and founding church programs
II.  Education and perspective
a.  BA in Theology (Leadership and Ministry)
b.  Belief in the need to help others
c.  Intention of earning a Master’s in Counseling Psychology
d.  Aspiration to be a church/biblical counselor
III.  Purpose
a.  Going beyond evangelization to reach out to others
b.  Helping people in need/distress
c.  Advantage of being a counselor in church community setting
d.  Bolstering the community
e.  Helping people be happier and more fulfilled with their lives
Growing up, my family and I have always played an active role in our church community.  
Be it in taking part in
community events, attending Bible study meetings, or simply attending services, I always enjoyed and felt fulfilled in
being a part of the church and having the opportunity to help those around me.  Growing up as a part of the church, I
learned the value of community, healthy fear and love for God, and deep respect and sense of responsibility toward
those around me.  
As such, I found myself becoming increasingly involved in the community.  Not only would I join
more church activities, but I would also start founding and leading my own youth programs.  With God’s grace, I was
fortunate enough to find and heed my calling at an early age, making it easier for me to choose my
educational and vocational paths.
In college, I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology – Leadership and Ministry.  It was a course that fit right with
my interests, my passion, and my desire to help those around me.  
I believe that God has ordained us leader in the local church as His primary vessel to tend to the personal distresses and needs of those around us.  Unfortunately, not
many people are willing or able to take the reigns for such a task, which is why I have dedicated myself to the calling of
being of service to others as God’s instrument of compassion and love.  My goal is to pursue a higher level of
education that will compliment my background as a Theology graduate and give me all of the tools, training, and
knowledge necessary to be the best counselor I can be within the church setting. 
 I intend on earning a degree in
Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology so that I can pursue my aspirations of developing and enhancing Bible
counseling programs that will be integrated into the local church community.
I have always believed that Christian service goes beyond evangelization and that there is a true need to reach out to
others in ways that will touch their minds and hearts so that they may lead more rewarding lives.  
The unique advantage
of being a counselor within the local church is that the community itself serves as a well of strength, sympathy,
compassion, care, love, acceptance, help, and hope for those who are in need of counseling.  As a counselor in my
church community, I truly feel that I can help others by mobilizing these resources, creating new programs, and
reforming existing programs to provide the best possible help to those in need of counseling.
By building loving and caring relationships with members of the church community, counselors are able to support those in need and those in distress, to restore their hope, faith, and love in Christ so they may lead more productive, happier, and more fulfilling lives. 
This is my dream, and I believe that this institution will provide me with the best education, training, and experience in Counseling Psychology to help me heed my calling.